Notice is hereby given that,
The 66th CPCC Annual General Meeting will be held on:
Saturday 28 August 2021, from 7pm
Online via Zoom. Details below.
The AGM is an important night to attend and have your say on club issues; both Juniors and Seniors.
Now more than ever the Club needs assistance in covering off various roles and responsibilities.
(If you would like to discuss prior to the AGM how you can become involved in Club operations please do not hesitate to contact us
Collaroy Plateau Cricket Club is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Collaroy Plateau Cricket Club AGM
Time: Aug 28, 2021 06:00 PM Canberra, Melbourne, SydneyJoin Zoom Meeting ID: 931 9239 0482
Passcode: 312429
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Meeting ID: 931 9239 0482
Passcode: 312429
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